Talk with homeowners about balanced humidity control

Homeowners who understand the health and comfort benefits of balancing humidity within an optimal range are more likely to buy the equipment needed to keep it there.

Most homeowners do not understand the benefits of balancing indoor humidity within well-defined summer and winter ranges, or what can happen if they don’t. Those who do understand the importance of balancing indoor humidity appreciate the wide range of health and comfort advantages offered by professionally installed central humidity control systems. Their interest increases even more when homeowners discover how easy today's equipment makes it to control their home comfort.

Use these points when communicating with your customers about balancing indoor humidity.

Comfort and Maintenance

When humidity is within an optimal range, people feel more comfortable at higher temperatures. For instance, a home that stays less humid on the inside than on the outside during a summer day is one in which the occupants are less likely to crank up the air conditioner, and who enjoy lower summer electric bills.

A new home that's kept in the optimal range will continue to look new for longer. Wood floor boards (and wood trim) are less prone to shrinkage when the air doesn't get excessively dry in winter. In summer, there's less chance of unsightly surface mold when the air never gets excessively humid. And of course, less mold means healthier indoor air.

Humidity and Health

The optimal humidity for good indoor air quality is the same as that for comfort, with most health professionals recommending a 40-60 percent range.

Higher humidity levels encourage the growth of mold, with potential consequences that range from allergic reactions and asthma to hives. And its presence isn't always obvious: toxic mold can grow in places where no one ever sees it, like the underside of carpeting.

Excessively dry air brings a different set of problems. That's because it can absorb moisture from the body, leading to dry skin, scratchy throats and irritated eyes. This process can also dry out sinuses and nasal passages, as well as the protective mucous membrane that lines the respiratory tract. People who live under such conditions become more susceptible to colds, flu and sinus infections.

Benefits of Central Humidity Equipment

The solution that usually comes to homeowners' minds when they consider these problems is the standalone humidifier or dehumidifier. But these devices have real drawbacks. They don't condition the entire home. They lack precise controls. And a standalone humidifier can serve as a breeding ground for bacteria if it's not thoroughly cleaned every few days. Unfortunately, regular cleanings seem to be the exception; research has identified a link between the use of portable humidifiers and the likelihood of childhood asthma.

The best and healthiest way to consistently maintain optimal humidity is with built-in equipment installed as part of the home's HVAC ducts. Built-in humidifiers and dehumidifiers ensure that properly conditioned air is evenly distributed throughout the home, and both devices can be installed on the same heating or cooling system. They are designed to work with the latest Wi-Fi thermostats, which include settings for humidity control. Central humidifiers are also easy to maintain, requiring only an annual cleaning by a qualified HVAC technician.

There's much greater benefit and a less worry than with a portable unit. And the cleaning requirement is a small price to pay for improving the health of all family members.

It’s easier to explain the relationship between humidity and temperature to homeowners, when you have a firm grasp on this HVAC knowledge. That’s why we offer this 19-minute online training, Controlling Humidity for Comfort.

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